
CHIKO Customer Service Principles

CHIKO Shoes Customer Service Principles guide us in pursuing excellence in customers service and ensure the customer is at the forefront of everything we do.

  • Establish a close working relationship with customer

Treat each customer in a manner that makes the customer feel welcomed, valued and respected.

Listen to what the client wants and expects by maintaining an engaged composure, asking questions and responding appropriately. Also recognize the individuality of customers and respond appropriately with a viable solution.

  • Deliver what we promised

Be a valuable asset in helping the customer develop and fulfill their objectives.

Work together with clients to develop flexible, customized and long-lasting solutions. Take time to understand customer’s requirements by gathering the appropriate information. Deliver what we promised.

  • Take responsibility for our customers’ satisfaction

Provide relevant, high quality, and useful information in a timely manner and respond to all internal or external enquiries within 24 hours.

If no final answer is available yet, follow up with a date of when the answer will be delivered. Exceed customer expectations in both delivery and satisfaction.

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